Aviation Medicine
Aeromedical examinations for pilots and flight attendants / cabin crew
Aeromedical examinations
for pilots and flight attendants / cabin crew
I am an experienced aviation physician (AME engl: Authorised Medical Examiner) and myself a passionate pilot. I offer examinations in classes: Class I – ATPL and CPL, Class II – PPL, LAPL and flight attendant.
Your AME 1 for class 1 and 2 pilots in Berlin & Brandenburg
Christian Schelske, MD
A medical examination for flight fitness can only be carries out by an aviation physician in accordance with the official fitness guidelines for applicants for or holders of pilot licenses. These officially recognized aeromedical experts can be found in Germany either in one of the eight Aeromedical Centers (AeMC) or in Class 1 and 2 aeromedical examination centers.
The purpose of the examination is to check whether the examinee is fit to fly. If so, a medical fitness-to-fly-certificate may be issued. This, in turn, entitles the holder to exercise the rights of his pilot’s license.
As part of a fitness-to-fly-certificate examination in Germany, in addition to a medical history and a physical examination, blood and urine tests are carried out as well. The minimum scope of examinations is prescribed by law and may be extended by the flight surgeon if indicated….

Medical requirements
In order to fly an aircraft, whether a sport aircraft or a commercial aircraft, more than one pilot license is required.
Medical requirements appropriate to the particular license has to be met and demonstrated.
Class I Medical Certificate - ATPL and CPL | Post Examination
Airline Transport Pilot License and Commercial Pilot License
Post-examination for commercial airline pilots, commercial helicopter pilots, professional airline pilots, professional helicopter pilots in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/27 and Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).
The initial Class 1 examination has to be conducted at an Aeromedical Center (AMC).
Extension investigation
Please bring the following documents with you:
– Identity card or passport
– Eyeglass wearers, the glasses and the eyeglass passport and/or the last ophthalmological report
– Your last medical
– Your flight hours flown since the last examination
If you have any conditions or restrictions entered in the last medical, do not forget to bring the relevant documents and results.
The following examinations are generally carried out during a renewal examination:
– Resting ECG
– complete physical examination by the flight doctor
– Weight determination, size determination
– Blood pressure measurement
– Laboratory examination (blood sampling)
– Lung function
– Urine examination
– Audiometry (<40 every 5 years; >40 every 2 years).
Additional examinations may be necessary if indicated or has to be carried out regularly in accordance with the conditions in the Medical:
– Ophthalmological examination
– ENT examination
Validity period of the Class 1 medical examination:
12 months until the age of 60
6 months from the age of 60
6 months from the age of 40 in the case of commercial operation on aircraft,
which are operated only by one pilot.
If the fitness examination of serviceableness determines that the minimum standards are not met, a referral is made to the Federal Aviation Authority with all informations and results which are relevant to expedite the decision-making process done expedited by the authorities. The decision on the serviceableness and, in the positive case, the issuance of a certificate of serviceablenesse is done by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt.
Class II Medical Certificate | Initial Examination and Follow-Up Examination
For private pilots, glider pilots, free balloon pilots, private helicopter pilots.
Initial inspection and follow-up in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/27 and Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM).
Initial examination
Please bring the following documents with you:
– Passport or identity card
– Eyeglass wearers: the glasses and the eyeglass passport and/or the last ophthalmological report
The following examinations are generally carried out during an
Initial examination:
– Resting ECG
– complete physical examination by the aviation physician
– Weight determination, size determination
– Blood pressure measurement
– Lung function
– Urine examination
-Audiometry (<40 every 5 years; >40 every 2 years)
Additional examinations may be necessary if indicated:
-Ophthalmological examination
– ENT examination
Extension investigation
Please bring the following documents with you:
– Passport or identity card
– Eyeglass wearers: the glasses and the eyeglass passport and/or the last ophthalmological report
– Your last medical
– Your flight hours flown since the last examination
If you have any conditions or restrictions entered in your last medical, don’t forget to bring the corresponding results.
The following examinations are generally carried out during a renewal examination:
– complete physical examination by the flight doctor
– Weight determination, size determination
– Blood pressure measurement
– Lung function
– Urine examination
– Audiometry (<40 every 5 years; >40 every 2 years).
Additional examinations may be necessary if indicated:
– Ophthalmological examination
– ENT examination
Validity period of the class 2 medical examination:
60 months until the age of 40
24 months until the age of 50
12 months from the age of 50
If it is determined during the examination that the minimum standards are not met, a consultation will be held. The Luftfahrt-Bundesamt receives all informations and results relevant to the decision-making process, including my proposal, in the form of an edition sheet. The approval of the authority has to be waited for.
Medical certificate class LAPL | Initial examination and follow-up examination
Medical certificate class LAPL for holders of an LAPL license
Initial examination and follow-up examination in accordance with the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/27 and
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM)
Please bring the following documents with you:
– Identity card or passport
– Eyeglass wearers: the glasses and the eyeglass passport and/or the last ophthalmological report
– Your last medical
– Your flight hours flown since the last examination
If you have any conditions or restrictions entered in your last medical, don’t forget to bring the corresponding results.
The following examinations are generally carried out at an initial examination and follow-up:
– Resting ECG
– complete physical examination by the aviation physician
– Weight determination, size determination
– Blood pressure measurement
– Lung function
– Urine examination
Additional examinations may be necessary if indicated:
– Ophthalmological examination
– ENT examination
Validity period of the medical examination LAPL:
24 months
Medical certificate for flight attendants / cabin crew
Initial examination and follow-up examination in accordance with the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/27 and
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM)
Please bring the following documents with you:
– Identity card or passport
– Eyeglass wearers: the glasses and the eyeglass passport and/or the last ophthalmological report
– Your last medical
– Vaccination card
The following examinations are generally carried out during a renewal examination:
- Resting ECG
- Complete physical examination by the flight doctor.
- Weight determination
- Sizing
- Blood pressure measurement
- Lung function if necessary
- Laboratory test blood and urine
- Examination of the eyes and hearing
The main purpose of the examination is to document the health status of the flight attendants. Occupational health risks should be identified at an early stage.

Make your appointment online today….